"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is a short story written by American novelist Joyce Carol Oates. The story was written in 1966, and addresses the shifting ideologies and paradoxes in a new American society. These posters illustrate this "shift" through use of typographic texture and disorientation.
Featured in Kent State University's 2018
VCD Juried Exhibition
Poster 1: Typographic Texture
In order to show the merging ideas within American culture, I experimented with weaving techniques and used the physicality of warp and weft.
Unraveling Reality
When we receive information, we tend to believe this clarifies. Yet, when the poster is picked apart (via the pull tabs), there is nothing left to the poster.

Poster 2: Warped Reality
"Connie stared at him, another wave of dizziness and fear rising in her so that for a moment he wasn't even in focus but was just a blur standing there against his gold car, and she had the idea that he had driven up the driveway all right but had come from nowhere before that and belonged nowhere and that everything about him and even about the music that was so familiar to her was only half real."
Joyce Carol Oates